King Kamehameha's Arrow - How a mystery was uncovered

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Cliff Thornton
Tony, the official account of Cook's voyage tells how Cook was killed after being stabbed in the back, then knocked senseless before being held underwater and drowned by his Hawaiian attackers. I have never heard a story of him being killed by an arrow, the arrow in the story at the top of the page was said to have contained a bone that came from Captain Cook, and has nothing to do with an arrow killing him. If you read the account of Cook's visit to Hawaii you will see that he was greeted very warmly by the islanders and made many friends. That is because he arrived at the season when a long departed God was expected to return to Hawaii, and Cook was mistaken for that God. But when he later returned to Kealakekua Bay, the season had changed and he was no longer welcome. And when some of the islanders were shot by Cook's crew, the people turned against Captain Cook. Please note that Cook was never knighted, so he never became a "Sir".
Tony Knaggs
As a Yorkshireman I am interested in Captain Sir James Cook and often wonder why some reports say he was stabbed in Hawaii and some say he was killed by an arrow from a bow? Also I wonder why he couldn't make friends with the indiginous people as he would have brought lots of gifts for them?