Carving of Cook at St Margaret's Church, Barking, Essex, UK

In St Margaret’s Church at The Broadway, North Street, Barking, Essex, on the top of a wooden screen are eight small painted wooden carvings of saints and famous Barking characters.   One of the figures is of Captain James Cook, in naval uniform, holding a map and telescope. and with a coiled rope at his feet.

This is the church where James Cook married Elizabeth Batts on 21st December 1762.
The figures were carved  by George W H Jack (1855-1931), over two years during the late 1920s.  The church architect Charles Canning Winmill enlisted Jack’s help in doing carvings in the church, when the church was undergoing restoration.
George W H Jack was an architect and wood-carver.  Born in New York, he spent his early years in Scotland, before settling in London.  He was a contemporary of William Morris.

On the base plinth:


GPS Coordinates:  51.536563,  0.075766

Cook’s Log, page 1112, vol. 18, no. 1 (1995)
Cook’s Log, page 21, vol. 29, no. 4 (2006)

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