Ralph Jackson’s diary - Part 5: Richard Pickersgill

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Christopher Pickersgill
I was lead to believe, our family was related to Richard Pickersgill, by my Father, now deceased, I was told we came from the Ripon area originally and have some relatives buried in the Cathedral cemetery.
Cliff Thornton
John, what a tantalising prospect you have to investigate. It looks as if the Pickersgills came from an area just north of Ripon, so it is well worth investigating your family's link to the Pickersgill family. I do not think that you will find a direct link, as Richard Pickersgill was not married, and had no known offspring. But a distant cousin may be a possibility. Good luck with your search.
John Brian Pickersgill
My father was born in Ripon in 1908, I have often wondered if Richard Pickersgill was related to us !