Captain Cook Statue, Victoria, British Columbia

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Sean Robson
Captain Cook is credited with discovering many lands that were already discovered centuries earlier by First Nations peoples.
Ivan Bulic
A reply to Ms Hope Jeter's above comment that Cook "...was the man who discovered the harbour (Victoria) back in 1778."" Cook did not "discover" Victoria harbour. His only landfall on Vancouver island was at Nootka Sound on the outer west coast.
Cliff Thornton
To answer Ms Jeter's query over why the statue was erected. In 1975, British Petroleum (B.P.) commissioned three statues to be moulded in fibre-glass from the Cook statue which stands on West Cliff, Whitby. In 1976, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the start of Captain Cook's Third Voyage, B.P. offered a replica statue to three locations visited by Cook on board Resolution - Hawaii, Vancouver Island, and Anchorage. The statue presented to British Columbia was erected by the harbour at Victoria, Vancouver Island, but it was pulled down and destroyed by protesters several years ago. The statues at Hawaii and Anchorage are still standing.