The Crews of Cook's Third Voyage | Captain Cook Society

The Crews of Cook's Third Voyage
Resolution and Discovery 1776-1780

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John Frederick Herbert Clerke
Family rumours say Clerke’s’ in Australia somewhere related to Captain Charles Clerke. Our research goes back to a Thomas Clerke (1772 - ?.) m . Sarah Bennet 1775-1849. Question I have is did any of Cpt. Charles Clerke’s brothers (Joseph, William or Thomas) have a son named Thomas (1772-?) Many Thanks John T
Cliff Thornton
Hello John T, thank you for your enquiry. The Captain Cook Society website has a short family tree giving the ancestry of Charles Clerke. You can find it online at,%20Charles.pdf Unfortunately the generations after Charles Clarke have not been examined, so I do not think that you will find the answer that you are looking for here. Have you looked on the Ancestry website, there are several trees containing Charles Clerke, but I do not know if they contain the answer that you are seeking. Good Luck with your quest.