The Crew of Cook's First Voyage
Endeavour, 1768-1771

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Previous Comments:
Camilla Jarvis
Hallo there, I just wanted to say that I am related to Gunner Forwood on my Father’s side and Midshipman Clerke on my Mother’s side. Neither of these had their own families, we are descended from their siblings. Best wishes, Camilla Jarvis
Ian Boreham (Webmaster)
Brad, You will find more about Isaac Smith on this website by following the link Cook’s Voyages, First Pacific Voyage, The People in Endeavour During Cook's First Voyage
need more facts what about isaac
Brian Longhorn from whitby
I think the new format for the C C S is brilliant work and well done to all concerned
Esther Harrison
Good morning We have been using your website for a few years and enjoyed the profiles of the crew members. We don't seem to be able to access these - is there a new location on your website? Many thanks.
Ian Boreham (webmaster)
Esther, Try Cook's Voyages > First Pacific Voyage > The People in Endeavour During Cook's First Voyage for information about the 95 people who sailed in Endeavour