Thomas Cater sailed in both Resolution and Discovery during Cook’s Third Voyage. He joined Resolution on 11 July, 1776, as an AB, but became the carpenter’s mate. He moved between the two ships. After the voyage, in 1780, he became a carpenter.1
A document in the National Archives at Kew states that Cater served in the Royal Navy from 20 June, 1774, until 15 December, 1798, when he was admitted to Greenwich.2
Thomas Cater was baptised on 20 July, 1748, at Chatham, the son of James Cater. He married Mary Lorimore on 28 October, 1781, at St. Nicholas, Deptford. George Barber, a colleague from Resolution, was a witness.
Thomas and Mary Cater had a son, Thomas Cater, who was baptised on 25 November, 1781, at St. Nicholas, Deptford. The young Thomas Cater was admitted to Greenwich School on 21 March, 1793.
Thomas Cater was buried at Greenwich on 4 January, 1814.
John Robson
- Cook’s Log, page 25, vol. 37, no. 2 (2014).
- The National Archives (TNA). Adm. 73/5/73.
Originally published in Cook's Log, page 15, volume 38, number 2 (2015).