James Roberts of Mareham Le Fen | Captain Cook Society

James Roberts of Mareham Le Fen

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Matthew Herridge
Hello. I believe that I may be a direct descendant of James Roberts. My mother’s maiden name is Roberts. She and her family originated in Lincolnshire. Her father’s name is Bernard. I was told I was related to James but that’s about all I know. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you for your enquiry Matthew. I have looked into the Roberts family tree, and it appears that he married late in life, and as a result he and his wife did not have any children. So there are no direct descendants of James Roberts. You can read his will on this website at https://www.captaincooksociety.com/cooks-life/people/the-wills-of-captain-cooks-crew-and-associates/the-will-of-james-roberts Wills usually refer to any children in the family, but you will see that no children are mentioned in James Robert's will.