Genealogical information has been assembled to produce family trees of many people associated with James Cook. Births, marriages and deaths indexes, census records and wills have been used when found. Where possible, the information has been developed to show the ancestry and parentage of the men as well as their children and descendants. This enables us to know more about their backgrounds and suggest how they came to sail on Cook’s ships. It also allows us follow families down to the present day and confirm or deny provenances for artifacts, journals, etc., supposedly associated with Cook’s voyages that might surface at auctions.
Famous people occasionally appear: Isaac Newton in John Davall Burr’s tree; Thomas Bowdler and Aldous Huxley in James Trevenen’s; Jeremy Bentham in his cousin Gregory Bentham’s; and Stamford Raffles in that of William Hollamby.
For many men, only small pieces of information have been traced. It has not always been possible to verify everything so mistakes and gaps may occur. Any extra information or any corrections to existing records are most welcome.
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