Saturday morning brought a short journey to the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum where the Endeavour Room was absolutely full of people awaiting the day's presentations. After Cliff's welcome we settled down to Andrew Lambert's first-rate discourse on "Hard Tack, sauerkraut and pneumonia: adventures in the wake of Cook".
Then Ruth Boreham gave a really informative talk on Ednam in the 17th and 18th centuries, raising some interesting questions that her research had revealed. I really enjoyed this one.
During lunchtime we were free to make a trip round the museum. As usual the displays were excellent. There is always something new to see. Well done all those responsible.
The afternoon session followed with Vanessa Collingridge giving us a relaxed and informative revelation into the making of her film on Cook. It had been shown in the UK a few weeks beforehand.
She was followed by Ian Stubbs, who gave us a pictorial view of the different faces of Cook, whether on paintings, stamps, etc.
Unfortunately time ran out before Dan O'Sullivan could give his presentation so I look forward to hearing it next year.
Returning to the hotel, we were able to view many auction lots. These were sold with a great deal of flair by Harry Ward, ably assisted by Mike Surr. Naturally, Mike Read the treasurer was in charge of collecting our money. After a formal dinner we were able to exchange views again and enjoy the hotel's hospitality.