CCS Meeting in Australia, October 2024

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As a direct descendant of Admiral John Gore ( the only family connection with HMB Endeavour to settle in Australia) I am greatly interested in your society, but unfortunately a number of issues prevent my attendance. However, I hope to keep a watch on your society's social media.
Sean Buck
I would like to register for a seat at your meeting on 28 October 2024. I draw your attention to the 150th anniversary of the erection of the Captain Cook statue in Randwick that will have occurred the day before this meeting. The statue was gifted to the Randwick by the local notable resident, Captain Thomas Watson and he contributed to its upkeep. This was the first statue erected in Australia of Captain James Cook and I believe the world. Initially the statue stood on Captain Watson’s estate. It was unvailed in its present location with great pomp before a large crowd on 27 October 1874. Captain Watson was a seafaring man himself and he enthusiastically admiration for the intrepid circumnavigator. He worked to ensure the memory of Cook. He was instrumental in the erection of the first tribute to Cook in Liverpool and the statue of Cook in Hyde Park. Watson spent the greater part of his life in Sydney. He held the posts of a ship's captain, of light-keeper at Macquarie lighthouse shortly after its establishment. He afterwards obtained the appointment of pilot of Port Jackson, and subsequently rose to the position of harbour-master. He was also a Member of tho Marine Board for several years.