Then followed the Election of Office Bearers. The outgoing President had indicated that he was not seeking re-election, so Riemer Brouwer then assumed the chair and called for nominations.
Mr. E.J. (Ted) Tierney was elected President on the nomination of Ken Sheahan, seconded by Daphne Salt and was elected unopposed.
Riemer then called for nominations for the remaining positions on the Executive but, as none were forthcoming, Riemer agreed to act in the positions pending possible appointment of others to them.
Ken Sheahan agreed to act as a member of the Executive Committee as Immediate Past President.
An excellent PowerPoint presentation was then given by Daphne Salt, the author of the authoritative work Kurnell - Birthplace of Modern Australia, detailing the history of Kurnell from pre-European days to the present.
So ended a very useful meeting.
Sincere thanks to Alwyn Peel for all the valuable assistance he gave in the production of the Life Membership Certificate, making possible this happy occasion for Riemer.
Ken Sheahan
Originally published in Cook's Log, page 3, volume 28, number 3 (2005).